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Bible Study

YOU’VE INVITED TO A BIBLE STUDY WITH PASTOR BROWN! Every Wednesday evening at 7pm, we’ll gather (Via Zoom, at least to start) to take an in depth look at the Bible passages that will be part of worship service the following Sunday. We’ll talk together about cultural and linguistic issues, the place of that passage within the book from which it is taken, and how it relates to the larger biblical narrative. We’ll take plenty of time in conversation with one another as we seek to find meaning for our present day lives in the ancient texts. No prior Bible study experience is needed. All you need is your Bible and a desire to learn. All are welcome! Join us via Zoom for our first meeting on the 27th of October. If I know that you are planning to attend, I’ll send you the Bible texts we’ll be using in advance of our Gathering on Wednesday night. We hope to see you there!
Here’s the ZOOM link:
Meeting ID: 843 3509 6992 Passcode: 873977

February 3

Men's Group

February 16

POSTPONED, due to building being closed for COVID. Confirmation Class