Children, Youth, & Family
Faith Formation
Sunday School
Children Welcome Here. It’s a key part of our mission. We start Sunday school around age 3, and encourage children to be a part of worship and the life of the congregation. Sunday School is our organized education time on Sunday morning.
Junior High & Confirmation
Our junior high ministry is primarily our Confirmation program for 6th-8th graders. We provide an environment for our youth to begin to take ownership over their own faith and ask questions that help us grow in the questions as much (if not more) than in the answers. We learn and serve and explore faith together.
High School
The Hi-League is our high school youth group. We gather for fellowship, service, and support as a Christian community. This group belongs to the youth and we make up the rules as we go (kinda).
Please complete the following information for each of your child(ren)/youth, so we make sure to include you in announcements and events!
Faith starts at home.
We believe that parents and the adults who raise kids are the first and most important teachers in the faith of a child. We support those adults and provide opportunities for families to be in fellowship together. Come, join us…
Jesus taught us to serve.
Being the hands and feet of God is a key part of our faith. We support ministries and organizations that provide food for those who hunger and experience homelessness. We strive to serve through accompaniment. We serve by taking care of God’s creation. We’d love for you to join us.