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Men's Group

We gather at 8am every Thursday morning for fellowship and conversation around issues of faith and life. In recent years we’ve en-gaged with such issues as racial justice and faith, the authority of scripture, The history of Protestantism in America, the prosperity Gospel and evangelicalism, the roots of religious expression, comparative religion and more. The format has varied, with the group using videos, books, and presentations as starting points for our conversations each week. We’ll begin this year meeting via ZOOM, but hope to move to in person gatherings as the COVID issue abates. If you have questions about our group, you can contact Pastor Brown at the office: 847-673-8564 or send an email: Better yet, just join in and try it out!
Meeting ID: 851 6346 7378 Passcode: 275415

January 12

Bible Study

January 19

Confirmation Class