Faith as a Way of Life
For each section, please complete AT LEAST the number of required experiences.
For each experience, please write a 1-2 paragraph OR record a 1-2 minute video clip summarizing what you did and also how it connects to your life.
Connecting to the Congregation - At least 5 experiences required
Interview a congregation member(not in your family) who attend church regularly. Ask them things like: What is their faith background & story? How did they end up being part of Trinity Lutheran & why? Why are they Lutheran? What is important to them about our church? What ways could our church be more faithful to God? In regards to faith, what do they hope to pass along to the next generation? If they’re not Lutheran, how does their church connect with their beliefs? Write down their answers and summarize their responses. (This can be done up to 3 times)
Attend a church council meeting. Afterwards, either write a paragraph or record a 2 minute video sharing at least 3 things that you learned and how that connects with your life.
Become active in a ministry at church. This could be things like Choir, Bell Choir, Faith in Action, Congregational Life, etc.
Assist with Worship 1X per month - this can be done through Lectoring, Ushering, Deaconing (as permitted), or playing a musical piece (instrumental or vocal).
Attend all of the meals & worship services for Lent.
Be Creative
Come up with your own way to connect to the congregation and get to know other people. Before you begin, discuss your idea with Lauren
Attend class on What is this Congregation all about? (Year 2)
Attend Class on “Our Identity” (Year 3)
Connecting to the World
Attend a non-Lutheran church or a non-Christian worship setting. Afterwards, either write a paragraph or record a 2 minute video sharing at least 3 things that you learned and compare it to Trinity. You can do this experience twice as part of the requirements.
Participate in at least 3 mission/service projects out in the community. These could be through school, church or the community.
Pick a political/world/justice issue and write about how our faith can inform and guide us in how to respond to this issue. If possible, utilize the ELCA Social Statements. Topics could include things like immigration, climate change, abortion, death penalty, or guns. Write at least 1 page on this topic. You can do this experience twice as part of the requirements.
Attend the confirmation class on The Broader Christian Church (Year 1)
Attend the confirmation class on Comparing Other Religions. (Year 1)
Be Creative
Come up with your own way to serve others or connect with the world from a faith perspective. Before you begin, discuss your idea with Lauren.
Attend the Confirmation class on Called to Serve (Year 2)
Personal Faith - at least 5 experiences required
Share your faith
Bring a friend to worship on Sunday morning. As you do, try to explain what we are doing to them.
Share your faith
Bring a friend to a church service project.
Share your faith
Create a video/written response related to our Lenten Theme. Submit it to Lauren in order for it to be included in the Lenten Devotional.
Create a piece of art that represents your faith or your walk with God. Spend some time on this and be creative.
Read “Baptized We Live” by Dan Erlander. Afterwards, either write a paragraph or record a 2 minute video sharing at least 3 things that you learned and how that connects with your life.
Be Creative
Create your own project to illustrate your faith so that it can be shared with others. Before you begin, discuss your idea with Lauren.
Attend class on “The Big Quesitons” (Year 3)
REQUIRED: Select a verse
As one of your 5 experiences, pick a verse that can serve as your Confirmation verse. There are suggestions in the files. Write about what this verse means to you and why it is important. See APPENDIX #6.
REQUIRED: Faith Statement
REQUIRED – As one of your 5 experiences, write your personal faith statement. It should answer two questions:
What do you believe and why?
What does your faith mean to you?
Each answer should be at least a paragraph. This is one of the last things you’ll do, so save it until you near the end.