40 items, 40 days

For a number of years now, Trinity has collected food for the hungry during the season of Lent in a program we have called “40 items 40 days”.  Every year we have encouraged our members to consider taking part in a Lenten discipline of generosity and care for the vulnerable ones among us by filling bags with one item of non-perishable food for each of the 40 days of lent.  Those bags were then brought to Trinity, blessed, and sent on to local food pantries to care for those in need. Everything about this year is different, of course, including the level of food insecurity.  The need for food has only intensified as a result of the pandemic. Would you like to take part in a meaningful Lenten discipline that will make a real difference in the lives of people in need.   

If you’d like to take part, we ask that you buy food as you are able, including 40 items if possible. For your convenience, a FOOD DRIVE DROP-OFF will be held on these two dates: Saturday, April 9th and Palm Sunday, April 10th. Drop-off food collection will be available at the Gathering Space door between 9 am and 1 pm and a volunteer will be on hand to collect your food safely.

It will then be donated to the Hillside Food Pantry. As always, items such as canned meats, pasta and pasta sauces, breakfast cereals, peanut butter and soup are appreciated. In addition, any items that can be consumed without using anything other than hot water, including ramen cups, tuna pouches, and granola bars is especially appropriate.

the Faith in Action Committee.   

If you have food to drop off, donations can be brought to the church during office hours:  Mon - Thurs 9:30a - 5:00p  South Entrance. Or, bring donations to church during Sunday or Lenten Wednesday Evening  services.


We are looking for a new Director of Worship and Music…


Holy Week is Coming