ELCA Disaster Relief
Loving God, we come to you trusting in your mercy and knowing that your steadfast love endures forever. Look with mercy on those who are in harms way during this hurricane season. Give them your strength to meet the days ahead, your peace, which surpasses all understanding, and renewed hope for restoration and rebuilding. Move in those who are able to give aid, that we may be your hands and heart on earth. Be with all who offer assistance; may your Spirit uphold them. As you have made water a sign of your kingdom, and of cleansing and rebirth, grant your people vision to see new life on the other side of disaster. To you be given all honor and praise, through Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.
Evangelical Lutheran Worship - Occasional Prayers
If you would like to help, please send donations to Lutheran Disaster Response:
Your gifts in support of Lutheran Disaster Response help our church provide immediate relief, such as water, clothing, gift cards, tarps and other needs. Since many hurricanes also require a long-term response, Lutheran Disaster Response provides support on the long road to recovery with disaster case management, construction management, unmet needs, and emotional and spiritual care.
Lutheran pastors in affected areas also are urging us to stop the spread of misinformation. Misinformation prevents people from getting the aid they need and also may encourage people to stay in their homes when they are in danger. Please go here for more information.