We are Hiring!

We are looking for the right person to work in our Nursery! Our ideal candidate must be at least 16 years old and is able to start immediately. Please contact Lauren Busey for more information or to apply. A background check is a condition of employment, and ability to adhere to our child safety policies.

The position is to staff the nursery during the Sunday morning worship service 9:15-10:45 each Sunday, with opportunity for additional hours occasionally.  Our best candidates have been folks that YOU have referred.   If you have someone in mind who could be a great asset to our nursery - please let me know or ask them to contact me directly.  

Please find our Job Application Here.

You’re welcome to return it to Lauren directly at lauren.busey@trinityevanston.org or by mailing it to the office: Trinity Lutheran Church, Attn: Lauren, 3637 Golf Road, Evanston, IL 60203.


It’s Happening - September 10th!


Dinner Church - September 6th